Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Im so stress lately!!!And the stress is coming from KONG...in a nicer way,she's mrs kong,my bio teacher...i hate her.She does not wanna return me my library book till the last day of school and i think im gonna have a fine that total up to hundreds...i've lots of homework to do today and tests are coming soon...MUST STUDY HARD!
Monday, August 4, 2008
i had some international exam today and the test papers are like O level standard..it even has the serial numbers and everything.I'm lucky that i got the English paper while some people got the maths one and i really pitied those who has the maths paper as they have alot of calculations to do and it also has alot of calculator work.the whole thing was quite difficult and its a total of 5 whole hours sitting on our desks and we only have like ...5mins break after each paper and we can't even get up and stretch or something.there is also alot of comprehension,actually every question was compre...and i think there's at least ten compre in one paper.I'm like practically going blind after reading one compre after another.wen qin was also there for the exam,she's quite talkative but other than that i find that she's quite nice just that maybe she needs to see a counsellor or something cause she seems to have some kind of problem and often talks to herself.like how other people discriminate her because of this....i think maybe some of us should try talking to her to help her overcome this problem rather than gossiping about her and keeping a distance from her.which will only worsen her condition and make her feel unwanted and different form other people.okay enough of that we shall talk about Cassandra now..DiD i mention that she was my best friend?ha ha she still is!i just talked to her today and she also told me that she had this boyfriend called James...and she really like him..like since last year already she was telling me that she's crazy about him and she used to write his name on her hand,and ends up getting scolded by teachers.I'm really glad for her,at least she was finally with someone that she really like and not with someone who she was just playing with and in the end both parties get hurt....i got to study for test now!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
ha ha i realised that not all people can sing...okay that was random..lol hm i was supposed to be sad today cause I've alot of troubles today,like Sasha went to the hospital cause she fainted and crash into the bin or something like that..and i cannot rush out my project in time for my teacher tmr,haha nvm I'll try to find an excuse to tell her tmr.its time to sleep now especially this month,must sleep earlier..lol nites everybody
Saturday, August 2, 2008
My dad woke me up at 7.30 am today for swimming and i was so tired.i was late for swimming and my dad has to fetch my brother and i there,i din even have time to have my breakfast and as you know,you need energy for swimming so i told coach that i could not swim timing today cause i got no energy.in the end he still believe me despite the lame excuse that i gave him.i did laps today and like about 20Min's later this guy came along,i thought he looked kind of familiar like I've seem him somewhere before,but this is the first time i saw him during swimming.He was very dark but he's not very good in swimming,i finished 2 laps already he's still swimming his first lap.He has this brother who was kind of completing with my brother and they were both super fast in their swimming and his brother is only like....primary five or six.but the two brothers are quite nice and friendly,like they'll come and talk to you occasionally...after swimming i went to some CC to revise with KY,Amelia and Janice,its only for a short while as they left very soon.in the end i decided to grab something to eat and i went home.my doggy was so naughty today ,it kept on peeing and i had to clean up the mess...
in short,i love Saturdays
Friday, August 1, 2008
hmm today i had biology and geography test...i actually forgot the trees in the middle zone so i anyhow guess the answer and i wrote avicennia trees but the correct answer turn out to be rhizophora..and after that i had bio test,it was quite okay....after that i had chinese compre correction...i really want to go to A class for chinese although im in a B class now but im gonna work hard and maybe at the end of the year,i'll be able to make it to A class=D
jacq and i are better today ,at least we talk to each other.ooh and i fianally made up with cassandra..i waas so happy,as in really really happy...i felt alot better after clearing up the misunderstanding with her...its like a NEW beginning.after that i went to the library to rush out the f&n project,like it'll be counted for final year....yupps and i din go for cyf today as im not feeling well..abit of fever
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