Sunday, February 15, 2015

80 weeks ago

I asked myself this question

What was I doing 80 weeks ago? How was life back then as compared to now...

So I did a little back tracking, and stalk a little of my instagram account, and it all came back to me.

80 weeks ago, I was that immature wild girl that was clubbing thrice a week, earning a good 3k a month from my holiday job and it was almost everynight that I went home past 12. On some days, maybe drunk?

You see, I was first introduced to the clubbing scene when I was fresh out of A levels, with a lot of time to spare. No commitments back then, and me being a curious kid, decided to try out the clubbing culture...

Not long after that, I realised that I was enjoying every clubbing trip more n more....and it became so addictive that it feels weird if I ever miss one session of clubbing.

Its only till 2 years later That I realised that I wasted my youth drinking away..I wasted tons of money on alcohol, late night cab fees, and entrance fee for clubs.

I realised that the actions I do in the past determines who I am now...and that I am the beholder of my future...I determine my own grades and I'll shape the life that I want.

Clubbing may be fun, but when you grow up, you'll realised that it is a more extreme form of entertainment for those people who use alcohol and partying to numb or forget their problems.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Its been.....3 days since jerome left for exchange

Cant help but feel a bit of a void yea? From spending

almost everyday together to being so far apart now.....

Sometimes, even technology cant save the void...

Its something like being single? But yet, youre not

exactly that either. Really admire and understand

how couples felt when theyre in an ldr. Its not always

everyday that you can skype your love one, especially

when theyre located away from town and theres no

wifi or internet nearby.

Well I guess although ldr have its downs, it definitely

have its ups as well. They always say distance makes

the heart grows fonder right?? Well I guess this is one

bright side to look forward to!
