This post is gonna be an update on my S.E.A Aquarium outing with my bestie,Guan Wei, who happen to also be another fellow blogger,just that his blog is ALOT more popular and has many more readers.So if you guys would like to have another view of life,or are bored at home,pls do give this guy some support and just click on the link here to read his blog
He basically is a lifestyle blogger,so you can expect to find recommendations of popular cafes etc.
I'm not the kind of person who will visit or rather pay money to visit an aquarium,unless i think if you go on a date with your boyfriend then yes,it might be a romantic trip,but otherwise,i dont see the point visiting it with friends cause it's not very cheap,and i guess if you've been to the older aquarium (the one near the beach),theres no need for you to go again. However, as Guan Wei's friends have all been to the S.E.A Aquarium and he was the only one who have not went,he asked me afew weeks ago,if I wanna accompany him there. And i told him that i already went before...(i thought it was the old one) but nevertheless i agreed cause i was having a period of downtime and i thought it would be good to go out to breathe some fresh air instead of being at home.
And me being me,was half an hour late when i met him and poor guanwei had to loiter around vivocity himself for a good half an hour before i came. And surprisingly,I wasn't being nagged at when i saw him,he only told me to walk faster,or else the aquarium would be closed by the time i reach. Instead of the normal monorail that people take to sentosa,Guanwei asked if i mind walking there instead...Thought he was nuts at first cause Sentosa and Vivocity is separated by a freaking sea ....But he mentioned that there is actually a boardwalk that not many people are aware of ,and that the view is breathtakingly nice,thus we decided to give it a try.And so ,for the first time,i walk to sentosa instead of taking the monorail.I would recommend walking instead of the monorail only if you have extra time to spare,and only if the weather is good because not all the board walks are sheltered,hence if its raining,you might get drenched along the way.
Here are some of the pics we took along the walk to Sentosa;)
Here are some of the pics we took along the walk to Sentosa;)
We didnt check the prices prior to the outing cause we expected it to be around $30 max,but to our horror,the counter told us that it cost $38 per entry.Which is really really expensive,i mean even for an aquarium visit.Thank Goodness,we asked if there was student discounts,and we end up paying $25 instead of $38. PHEWW!! when i first step into the entrance,they were having some boring China exhibits and i thought Oh Man,this is what i paid for?? And by boring i mean this,
Haha,okay sorry only got 1 picture cause i could be bothered to take the rest..Doesn't this look like something you will see in like museums or something?No idea why it was at the aquarium either.
In the end,we managed to find the entrance to the aquarium...and i must say...the view from just beside the entrance is AMAZING...i've never seen such a big fishtank in my entire life.Enough of me rambling on, shall let the pictures do the talking
Thats the divers cleaning the tank i think
And as you can tell,the pictures are really super clear....(shows how clear the aquariums are) just that my phone cam is abit lousy.
I guess this summarizes my outing to the S.E.A Aquarium and i would definitely recommend for one to visit the aquarium at least once in their lifetime...This is really an upgrade compared to the old one and it is worth the money!
Ps: All photos shown are before any editing or filter cause i'm just to lazy:)
Till my next post,
love pat!
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