Thursday, November 18, 2010


I saw him again...OR rather i saw his "twin" first i thought that person was him and i ran from the first carriage in the train to the last one,just hoping to catch a glimpse of him..but it was a disappointment when i saw that it was another person instead... and coincidentally when i went on facebook earlier on i saw many birthday wishes on his wall and i realised that it was his birthday today..well today certainly brings back alot of memories for me...and i was thinking in the train on my way to school,what would have happened if we can turn back the cloock and start over again..would i be that mean?will i love him even more? well im not sure,im beginning to get terrified... You will definitely not understand how apologetic i am towards you and sometimes i even wish that you weren't born in the first place.. there might be happy times but i can't deny that there's no nightmares too.. but for now i'm still hurting although you might appear fine...